Private Office Activities

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Among the fastest growing economies in the world, the UAE has positioned itself as the business hub for the entire region. Having the most advanced infra- structure and business facilities in the region, combined with a vibrant blend of human and financial resources, the UAE is well placed to take advantage of opportunities in the new global economy. We seek to capitalize on these opportunities.

The Private Office was established by Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Nahayan to directly invest in potential business opportunities in the region which meets the private office investment criteria.

Leveraging on the wealth of expertise of the Private Office’s management team, we aim to attract smart and ambitious business projects, thoroughly evaluate their market potential and comprehensively assess their potential and risk.

Our strategy targets sectors and markets where the United Arab Emirates has a distinctive and significant competitive advantage such as tourism, real estate, media, technology, and banking.



The Office’s mission is to create a diversified and profitable investment portfolio by directly investing in new or existing business ventures, which are selected through rigorous business evaluation process.


What we do

We continuously research the market pursuing promising business ventures in various sectors. The short listed ventures undergo the process of project identification and evaluation.

Once the business plan evaluation phase in concluded and the project has been approved for investments, the business execution phase starts. At this stage, our experienced team provides management consultancy and strategic solutions to ensure a successful market entry and sustainable revenue stream.

On projects which are not within our preferred industry sectors or which do not meet our investment criteria, we still add value by leveraging on our wide network of contacts in the region, where we assist businesses in obtaining strategic and investment partners, hence acting as a catalyst, providing the link between the right people, ideas, knowledge and resources to bring about the strongest possible outcome.
