Private Office Activities

Among the fastest growing economies in the world, the UAE has positioned itself as the business hub for the entire region. Having the most advanced infra- structure and business facilities in the region, combined with a vibrant blend of human and financial resources, the UAE is well placed to take advantage of opportunities in the new global economy. We seek to capitalize on these opportunities.

The Private Office was established by Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Nahayan to directly invest in potential business opportunities in the region which meets the private office investment criteria.

Leveraging on the wealth of expertise of the Private Office’s management team, we aim to attract smart and ambitious business projects, thoroughly evaluate their market potential and comprehensively assess their potential and risk.

Our strategy targets sectors and markets where the United Arab Emirates has a distinctive and significant competitive advantage such as tourism, real estate, media, technology, and banking.


The Office’s mission is to create a diversified and profitable investment portfolio by directly investing in new or existing business ventures, which are selected through rigorous business evaluation process.

What we do

We continuously research the market pursuing promising business ventures in various sectors. The short listed ventures undergo the process of project identification and evaluation.

Once the business plan evaluation phase in concluded and the project has been approved for investments, the business execution phase starts. At this stage, our experienced team provides management consultancy and strategic solutions to ensure a successful market entry and sustainable revenue stream.

On projects which are not within our preferred industry sectors or which do not meet our investment criteria, we still add value by leveraging on our wide network of contacts in the region, where we assist businesses in obtaining strategic and investment partners, hence acting as a catalyst, providing the link between the right people, ideas, knowledge and resources to bring about the strongest possible outcome.

H.H. Sheikh Message

Peace, mercy and blessings of God.

We are pleased to welcome everyone, hoping from the Almighty God that there will be communication between us and between businessmen and investors inside and outside the United Arab Emirates to reach effective decisions towards the spatial development of our country, in which the cultural, economic and cultural diversity is taken into account, so that the road is paved towards facilitating access and constructive communication.

We have established the private office to be part of our strategy for investment and trade, aimed at communication and communication as a basic pillar of economy and management by encouraging access to information and knowledge exchange to raise the level of performance, effectiveness, quality and transparency.

In conclusion, we assure you that we are committed to providing a suitable environment for work and for investors, we will strive towards real and feasible investment opportunities.

Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Nahayan

CEO Message


In the begining, I would like to mention a speach from the speaches of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, `Due to the rapid and successive changes in the global economic arena, we believe that our national economy needs quality investments that bring with it advanced technology that enables our product to compete in the Global markets.

It is also necessary to mention the principle that His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE set for us, a principle that we adhere to and follow when he said: “In our race to the first place, we look at excellence as a challenge and not as an research. Achievement is what we achieve for the future. The people of the Emirates, while the march of excellence continues and does not stop at borders. ”This calls on us to develop a society with sustainable competitive advantages, and to consider any success or achievement as a starting point towards new horizons, so that its success is judged by the community members and the beneficiaries of its services.

We expect and take lead and don’t wait to answer. We have a remarkable approach to creativity using a holistic approach to understanding partners and customers and exploring different technologies around the world to plan and elaborate optimal solutions in all areas.

We will continue to strive to remain in the top ranks as the provider of everything developed and modern for our country.

We are carefully looking at all ideas and proposals to reach together a place that is comparable to the largest and best places on the global level. This is what we learned from our leadership and awareness, we understood them from them, may God protect them, and all my wishes for our homeland is prosperity and supremacy, and the whole world to have more of progress and luxury.

United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates is a global of Business, Trade and Investment that welcomes individuals and companies from around the world to live, work and do business here. It offers a business friendly environment with ideal global connectivity across the region connecting East and West. The UAE is a vibrant society where traditional Arabic culture flourishes alongside the modern global trends making it one of the most welcoming places to live, work and do business,

The wise and dynamic leaders of the UAE attach strong emphasis on creating a business-friendly environment that welcomes investors, entrepreneurs and traders with policies focusing on ease of doing business and enabling your business to thrive in a globally competitive market. As the world moves towards digitization and technology, the UAE has welcomes innovative businesses that define the future of business in a tech inclusive world with equipped with Fintech and AI.

The UAE Leaders attach strong emphasis on  creating a business-friendly environment that welcomes investors, entrepreneurs and traders with policies focusing on ease of doing business and enabling your  business to thrive in a globally competitive market. As the world moves towards digitization and technology, the UAE has welcomes innovative businesses that define the future of business in  a tech inclusive world with equipped with Fintech and AI.The UAE welcomes people from around the world to live work and do business in the UAE offering one of the most safe and secure environments. In the UAE the traditionally welcoming Arabic culture flourishes alongside the modern global trends making it one of the most vibrant places that offers world class living standards.

About H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Nahayan

His Highness was raised in the capital Abu Dhabi. He is known for his active participation in national and social events, his keenness to preserve the heritage of the UAE, and his support for all events and heritage events.

Sheikh Hamdan has a unique style that is based on providing a framework for transforming the idea into a great business, through all phases of establishment, growth and financing in an efficient and unconventional manner, while maintaining continuity in order to gain profit and achieve financial independence through the development of an emerging company that creates familiarity, positive impression on customers, suppliers and investors.

His Highness is keen to use the unique ideas and projects, which will move the wheel of development by entering into partnership with several leading international companies and attract these companies to the UAE.

The efforts of Sheikh Hamdan, through his special office, which includes a distinguished administrative staff that supervises all its work from management to design and development, as all employees in the office are highly qualified and experienced including the legal dept. and specialists in the field of investment, development, and strategic studies, are crowned with success in supporting diverse sectors, in various areas, such as support more than one company in the construction industry, several real estate companies, health care projects, more than three food manufacturing projects, advertising companies, international banks and investment companies, about three companies in the entertainment industry, services sector, and other sectors, such as retail, technology, manufacturing and energy.

His Highness has always been keen on his presence in events that are interested in entrepreneurship, in search of local and international talent. He has the passion and aspiration for pioneering work and facing difficulties. He continues to seek the promising entrepreneurial opportunities in the UAE market, where competition has increased in the presence of foreign investment companies.

The International Division of the Office of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Nahyan recognises and appreciates the positive potential of business, trade and investment in United Arab Emirates and Under the leadership of His Highness we continue to work closely with the public and private sector on principles of integrity, honesty and professionalism.

Business Opportunities

The International Division of the Private Office of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Nahyan works on building positive associations with international companies and facilitate them in establishing their presence in the Dubai and other emirates of the UAE and to create mutually profitable business opportunities in a wide range of business sectors including the following:

Our Global Network

As the world becomes a global village the importance of international collaborations continues to grow both for business and as well as for global networking.

What sets us apart from others is our strong global network that spreads across not only the MENA region but also in Europe, Asia, Americas as well as the African continent. gives you the access to expand your business globally through our contacts that have been built over the years in association with our strategic associates, The Diplomat Business Club.

Our strong international associations with the public and the private sectorenable our partners and associates to grow organically within their chosen business spheres. Our strong connections in the public and private sector and a network of representative offices enables us to adopt a global approach in our business strategies.

Promoting Trade And Investment

The Private Office of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Nahyan believes in promoting trade and investment between UAE and other countries through positive engagement with the public and private sector organizations globally. We work closely with the following entities in order to create sustainable opportunities to promote trade and attract investment through business activity.

Contact Us


P.O. Box: 111191 Abu Dhabi
P.O. Box: 122231 Dubai
United Arab Emirates



Abu Dhabi: (+971) 2 222 243 6
Dubai: (+971) 4 333 333 2

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