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H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Nahayan Message – Private Office Of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Nehayan

H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Nahayan Message

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Peace, mercy and blessings of God.

We are pleased to welcome everyone, hoping from the Almighty God that there will be communication between us and between businessmen and investors inside and outside the United Arab Emirates to reach effective decisions towards the spatial development of our country, in which the cultural, economic and cultural diversity is taken into account, so that the road is paved towards facilitating access and constructive communication.

We have established the private office to be part of our strategy for investment and trade, aimed at communication and communication as a basic pillar of economy and management by encouraging access to information and knowledge exchange to raise the level of performance, effectiveness, quality and transparency.

In conclusion, we assure you that we are committed to providing a suitable environment for work and for investors, we will strive towards real and feasible investment opportunities.

Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Nahayan

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